Dry Goods Storage

Storage for rice, beans, and grains.

7/1/20232 min read

food storage pantry shelf life jar flour corn beans rice prepper
food storage pantry shelf life jar flour corn beans rice prepper

Long Term Food Storage: Proper Storage of Beans, Rice, Sugar, Grains and other Dry Goods

As a prepper, you should have a well-stocked food storage pantry, bas it is essential for surviving emergencies and periods of scarcity. Some of the best foods for long term storage are rice, beans, grains and other dry goods, as they are a great foundation for almost any meal and require no refrigeration. When properly stored, these foods can last for 10-30 years. Here are some tips for ensuring your dry goods have an optimal shelf life:

Choose high-quality ingredients: Start with high-quality rice, beans, grains and legumes that have been dried and packaged for long term storage. Avoid anything with added oils or seasonings which can go rancid more quickly.

Use food-grade containers: Store your dry goods in food-grade containers, buckets or bags that have an airtight seal. This prevents moisture, light, and pests from contaminating the food. For the longest shelf life, use Mylar bags, plastic buckets or glass containers.

Add oxygen absorbers: Place an oxygen absorber packet in with your dry goods before sealing the container. Oxygen absorbers help remove oxygen from the container, which is the main cause of food spoilage. For the best results, use oxygen absorbers specifically intended for long term food storage.

Seal and date the containers: Seal your storage containers according to the directions and label each container with the contents and date of packaging. This allows you to rotate your stock and use the oldest ingredients first.

Keep in a cool, dark place: Store your sealed containers of rice, beans, grains and legumes in a cool, dark place away from extreme heat or cold. A pantry, closet or cellar are ideal options. The ideal temperature range is between 55 to 70 F.

Check regularly for pests: Periodically check your storage containers for any signs of pests like insects, moths or rodents. If there are any holes or damage to the container, repackage the food into an airtight container. Use pest control measures like diatomaceous earth if needed.

Rotate and replenish: Use and replenish the contents of your food storage pantry regularly. Most dry goods will last 10-30 years when properly stored, but are best used within 5-10 years. Be sure to rotate your stock by using the oldest ingredients first. Replenish with new supplies to maintain a well-stocked pantry.

By following these best practices, you can ensure your supply of rice, beans, grains and other dry goods will be there when you need them.

Stay fed. Get prepped.